You have 12 nerves in your skull. These are called cranial nerves. The trigeminal nerve is the largest of these nerves. Every nerve has fibers inside that carry sensation. On the outside of a nerve is a lining, called the myelin sheath.
Sometimes there’s a problem with these inner fibers or with the myelin sheath. When that happens on the trigeminal nerve, the condition is known as trigeminal neuralgia.
This is often caused by MS. Other causes may include:
- Aneurysms
- Tumors
- Meningal inflammation
The pain can be triggered by anything you do to your face: brushing your teeth, applying makeup, etc. Even a breeze on your face can bring on the pain.
See symptoms, below.
Your doctor will order an MRI to rule out any other conditions that might be causing the pain. Treatments include medications, injections or surgery.
Your trigeminal nerve serves certain key parts of your face. Therefore, when you have TN, you feel pain in these areas:
- Cheek
- Jaw
- Teeth
- Gums
- Lips
- Eyes
- Forehead
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